COVID39: Chapter 20 / by Mark Millien

Randi’s memories are detailed and dangerous. 



Randi                           Halle Millien

Shane                          Mark Millien 

SFX and Music Contributors


Q Tone [Query]

Tone 4.wav by patchen of

Q Tone [Response]

Tone 3.wav by patchen of


Randi’s Letter Theme

Choirs Of Passion - Eternal Punishment 3 by MINOR2GO of

Created by Mark and Halle Millien

Cover Art by Halle Millien

Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien

Randi’s Letter:

Hello. I need to talk to you. I know that I could call you, but if I did I don’t know if I’d say what I need to say. I heard you and mom fighting. She asked you if it was true that you were going to New York. You didn’t understand how she knew and she thought that meant you were trying to deny it. Things got bad quickly. This man came to the house, daddy. A few weeks ago. I didn’t like him. He was very tall. His hair is white like a polar bear and he has green eyes. He was the one that told mommy you were leaving. Is he a friend of yours? I don’t think he is. I think he’s the opposite of a friend. I think he told mom so that you two would get in a fight. When he came here he was talking to mom but it felt like he was talking to me. The man said some scary things, things that I don’t believe. The grownups are sending these letters to us when we are older. Uncle Desmond said not to play with his computer, at all. When the man was here, he made it seem like we weren’t going to see you again. So I wanted to send you a letter, for when you’re older, so that you would know that I didn’t believe the man. So you know that I know that I’m going to see you again. If I told you all of this now it wouldn’t mean the same. You’d think I was making up a story. But when you read this years from now you’ll know that I never believed the man. I know that you are in New York because you feel like they need you more than we do. It’s not because you don’t love me, or Harrison. It’s because you are a good man and you’re smart and you can fix people. I think you can fix you and mommy too. She loves you very much. Mommy says I shouldn’t call anyways since you’re so busy. When you read this could you send me a video saying so? You could send it to mommy’s phone or put it on youtube or something. I want you to know that I’m not scared. I know it’s all going to be okay. I just wish I knew when. I know Harrison really misses you. If you could come back soon it would mean a lot to him. Jude and Shane are lucky that their mom and dad are always around. Uncle Desmond and Auntie Mara never fight but they don’t really talk a lot either. Somehow that seems worse. I can’t explain it. Jude reads a lot and gives me good books but Shane just watches movies. Mom said he was going to O.D. on screen time. It think that means he’s going to die from watching so many. I don’t want you to worry about any of us. I’m taking good care of everyone. Please remember to take your vitamins. And to take your temperature everyday. And to wash your hands for twenty seconds. Rub them the whole time. I love you daddy.

#covid39  #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi #generationc #flattenthecurve #stayathome #welcometowinnetkaheights #oakcliffdallas #atlanta #castleberyhill #theuninformedparent #memoriesareabitch