COVID39: Chapter 17 / by Mark Millien

An awkward reunion.



Randi                      Halle Millien

Shane                     Mark Millien

All My Love Official Video

SFX and Music Contributors


Q Tone [Query]

Tone 4.wav by patchen of

Q Tone [Response]

Tone 3.wav by patchen of

Tag Scanner

TONE 100 Hz 44.1 16bit.wav by klangfabrik of


Uncle Josh’s Letter Theme

Hopeful Piano by itsredd of

Created by Mark and Halle Millien

Cover Art by Halle Millien

Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien

Uncle Josh’s Letter:

This is one of those ideas that I should’ve had. Writing letters to your loved ones, to tell them how much they mean to you in the time before tney’ve gotten a chance to know you. This is a special thing, a very special thing. I’m honored to do it, especially for you guys. Jude and Shane, when your parents moved, we didn’t even know your mom was pregnant. They were being careful, didn’t want anyone to get too excited and then be let down. The first time was hard on them, hard on everyone. It seemed like we were all waiting to see which one of us would be the first grown ups. Helen and Rod had already moved to Dallas together but they weren’t married yet. Standing there in the hot sun in a tux, honestly all I could think about was getting to the open bar. But then, Harrison and Randi, your mom walked out and it felt like the wind had caught its breath. She glided out to K-ci and Jo-jo’s All My Life. Your uncle Serge was tickling the keys and they had these two dudes perform live. I don’t know where they found them. They were good, no shade, just doing the most. They were dressed up in the white gloves, white scarves, quarter length black jackets. It was so hot. I wanted to fight em cuz they were making me hot. But Helen. We all rose and paid tribute, and you could see Rod trying to hold it together. He was sharp too. It was their wedding when we all realized that a whole new era was upon us. We talked about it a little, made jokes, but because they’d already left, it didn’t hit home like Desmond and Mara’s wedding. They were still a part of the weekly crew. We were still sneaking into movies with bottles of Maker’s Mark and Subway sandwiches. We played Olympic level Taboo until four in the morning. We’d spend all day Sunday watching football. The one o clock game, the 4:15 game, the 7:30 game. The neighbors would complain. Now Des doesn’t even watch football anymore. Divorced them after Kaepernick. Des and Mara were our center. We all imagined what it would be like to help raise their kids. Des used to talk about making a spreadsheet so that everyone had a fair turn at watching you, so that no one could say they were playing favorites. Can you imagine? You were so loved that your parents had to design rows and columns so that we all wouldn’t fight over you. The hypothetical yous. By the time you’d actually come around our whole emotional core had up and migrated to Dallas. I gave moving there a lot of hard thought. I hope you remember me coming out to visit, us going to the zoo and feeding the giraffes. Hitting up that park in the middle of downtown with all the food trucks and sprinklers. Now must be pretty tough on you guys. All the things that you relied on for support is just all of a sudden, gone. That’s gotta be hard. But at least you all  have each other. Quarantining with another family has got to have its pros and cons and I know the grass is always greener, but I really wish I had been visiting when this all went down and we’d all be together. Remember that your family extends past those brick walls, that historic district in South Dallas, that once a country never let you forget it state called Texas. Your family is everywhere and we love you, always. 

#covid39  #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi #generationc #flattenthecurve #stayathome #welcometowinnetkaheights #oakcliffdallas #atlanta #castleberyhill #theuninformedparent #kaepernick