COVID39: Chapter 14 / by Mark Millien

Randi and Shane read a letter from the past that predicts their present.


Randi Halle Millien

Shane Mark Millien

SFX and Music Contributors


Q Tone [Query]

Tone 4.wav by patchen of

Q Tone [Response]

Tone 3.wav by patchen of


Pathways Initiative Letter Theme

Meant 140BPM - Blend Beats by BlendBeats

Created by Mark and Halle Millien

Cover Art by Halle Millien

Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien

Pathways Initiative Letter:

Randi Morgan and Shane Philips. I hope that when you read this, you are both as healthy and happy as can be expected in the Post Pandemic world. We expect that you are. I know that there have been many challenges that brought you here to this point. We at the Pathways Initiative regret whatever part we have played in producing those hardships. It must be hard for you to imagine the world as it exists today. In some ways we must seem like a decadent society. Gluttons, wanton, and reckless. Shane, you are skeptical of authority, institutions, and altruism. It will be particularly hard for you to reconcile your concepts of free will with what we have developed. You will spend an inordinate amount of time feeling like a pawn. It will give you little comfort, and potentially exacerbate potential harmful cascade effects in your behavior, but our data points alwasys suggested that you would become a king. Randi. Our data regarding your potential and terminal vectors are more...shadowed. You are the quintessential paradox. Everything in your genetic and mental profile define you as an apex paragon. But along with such dominant traits comes an inherent uncertainty that we have not, truthfully, been able to model with the same degree of confidence as 99.998% of the participating population. This requires us to form a negative data set that is informed by what is going on around you, what we call a halo effect, at a greater dynamic than we would feel comfortable with under more data driven parameters. We include this letter in this archive as a test positive for reasons that will become clear in the coming days and weeks. Randi and Shane, there is a 98.9% probability that you have been living together for 4-5 years. There is a 99.6% probability that your relationship is marred by your past trauma and you are currently trying to determine the best path forward. You are both committed to one another but neither of you know if it is because you are following a pre-ordained stumble into your own codependency or if it is rooted in genuine respect, admiration and love. The world you both live in present you with far less options than the one in which this is written so you have a good faith basis for this lingering doubt. At this time we will not share our data sets on how this will turn out. This letter is meant to focus your directions and energies to making these questions a priority in your relationship to accelerate the process you are already undertaking. If you find this to be manipulative, it is. That unfortunately, is the point. You each have impactful decisions to make in the immediate and longterm. Whatever you believe after reading this, we wish you well.

#covid39 #covid19 #coronavirus #quarantine #rona #quarantinechronicles #covidchronicles #coronachronicles #quibi #generationc #flattenthecurve #stayathome #welcometowinnetkaheights #oakcliffdallas #atlanta #castleberyhill #theuninformedparent