COVID39: Chapter 10 / by Mark Millien

Jude is missing and Shane isn’t waiting. 

Exploiting the Virus for Hate

Our Brothers and Sisters


Randi                 Halle Millien

Shane                Mark Millien 

SFX and Music Contributors


Q Tone [Query]

Tone 4.wav by patchen of

Q Tone [Response]

Tone 3.wav by patchen of

Voice Cloak Q Hack

Droid Communications by LiamG_SFX


Auntie Tommy’s Letter Theme

Moonrocks And Pianos 145 Bpm by Wphil of

Part 2 Moonrock Pad 145 Bpm by Wphil of

Part 3 Moonrock Ambient Glockenspiel by Wphil of

Created by Mark and Halle Millien

Cover Art by Halle Millien

Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien

Thank you to Stephen Senne of the AP and the combination of real people that are encapsulated in Auntie TOMMY (Keet, Bam and Toms). 


nilled: turned off. 

percoms: personal communication devices. 

Auntie Tommy’s Letter:

Hey babies. Yo mamas and daddies told me about this archive shit and I was blown away. It’s not like me to trust the government to do much right, but hoarding information is something they have excelled at to an Olympic like level so let me be on the record for all of them MAGA fucks running the government right now...your days is numbered my G. Oh I wish I was recording this on November 4th. That should be a new holiday. As a matter of fact it should just replace the Fourth of July altogether. Raggedy ass racist ass holiday. Firework deez nutz. I’m not at all happy with the choice in front of us, but it’s a choice and as black people we have to be happy for that. I have no illusions that you will have to make similar choices. Your adulthood will inherit the fight that we inherited, but I hope you are more woke to the consequences of apathy and fatigue than my sisdren and breddren of today. I’d call them niggaz lazy if it wasn’t racist. Black people can be racist. Don’t forget that. You’ll hear that racism is a function of power, so at best black people can be prejudice. That’s true and not true at the same time. When it comes to other communities of color, black people can set the tone and frame the narrative for how those people are treated or at least enhance it exponentially. Right now we have a rise of Asian hate crimes going on because of the virus. It started in China so these dumbass rednecks thinks that means that Americans of Asian ancestry are plague carriers. Dumb shits. But dumb shits carry real consequences, as our current federal government puts on display for the world everyday. Joke I heard that I hope is less relevant when you read this. “What borders stupidity? Canada and Mexico.” Gotta laugh to keep from crying. Stupidity can be a pathway to power because ignorance is seductive. It removes responsibility, so anything becomes possible. In my worst nightmares I imagined a global threat with incompetence at its head, but I confess these mofos surprised me. What’s really clear to me though is the economic frustration nonsense. These people will be happy to die broke, as long as they can claim a win over all of the people they feel threatened by. The elites, which just mean people who have carved out a future for themselves that doesn’t include being buried where you were born. The coloreds, all the coloreds, because they aren’t real Americans. We’re just all people they’ve tolerated and should be thankful for what we have, no matter how little, because they were generous to share it with us in the first place. And lastly, the godless. I heard someone in a documentary say once that if the Bible told them that 2+2=5 then they would adjust their whole world view to support that. He meant it, with everything, and it helped me understand that these people can’t be reasoned with. You can only wait for their bones to become brittle and that their hate doesn’t fertilize a new crop of misanthropes. The FBI killed a man a few weeks ago who had been planning a mass kill event. He was linked to white supremacists who see the virus as a way to bring about the world they want to live in. He wasn’t choosy. Muslims, Jews, black children. Any “other” would do. But our Asian sisters and brothers, the model minority, are being targeted indiscriminately and the streets are as unkind to them as they have been to us for half a millennia. I want you to know, that I know, the future is no better. It can’t be. Because there are still people in it. So I want you to be careful. And to remember that before you commit yourself to anything, you remember how precious you are to so many and you owe those who love you careful judgment and heartbreaking consideration. I will always have your back. Fuck this corporate shit I do. You ever need me for any foul shit and you don’t call, Ima be offended. I don’t want you to be warriors. I would rather you be pharaohs. But our people will starve on the promise of fairy tales. We need manifestos. Oh, and the video of y’all reading A for Activist really hit me in a warm place that I needed right now. I hope I’ve given you something you needed in return. I love you, with everything. 

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