COVID39: Chapter 4 / by Mark Millien

Shane faces an unexpected reckoning. 

Philly Masks


Randi              Halle Millien

Shane             Mark Millien 

SFX and Music Contributors


Q Tone [Query]

Tone 4.wav by patchen of

Q Tone [Response]

Tone 3.wav by patchen of


Frank’s Letter

Self Destruct Smooth Pitch Rise by MixxCustomSounds of

Dillzedd Classic Boombap Drums 420 by DillzeddProd of

Created by Mark and Halle Millien

Cover Art by Halle Millien

 Written, Directed and Produced by Mark Millien


dings, nudges, hits or tinkles: social media communication jargon of the future, ya dig.

spiked: salty, mad, pissed. 

Frank’s Letter:

What up Fam! Oh man, this is such a cool idea. I’m blown right now. On some ol time capsule shit. So check it. I know that you all have turned out great. Your mommas and daddys are some of the best people I’ve ever known and they take the raising of y’all so serious. So much so, in fact, that I’m sure they started off with some real down and depressing shit about what’s going on right now. It’s not their fault. They aren’t like, negative people or anything. But they also got their hands full with y’all and they want to make sure that you know the real and blah blah blah, but yo! I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with you a couple of important things about the ‘Rona. One. I miss the shit out of y’all. It’s not like I would’ve necessarily been there right now anyway. My next trip to Dallas wasn’t planned until the summer. But the fact that I CAN’T get to y’all, and that the summer trip is now highly questionable, definitely has me feeling a kind a way. I love you all so much. Not having kids myself, I get to spoil y’all, and then leave your parents to deal with you. But truth is you’ve all always been such incredible kids. I don’t believe half the stories your parents tell me about y’all fucking up shit. I can say fucking up shit to you now cuz you grown. This is Incredible. Trippy shit man. So. Two. Gas prices are down. I don’t gotta drag my black ass into work. I’m collecting a check (allegedly, I aint seen no money yet), I’ve got all my bills and mortgage deferred, I’ve been catching up on all my Hulu and Netflix and Disney + like a champ. Rick and Morty is on hiatus. But watching the old episodes in my drawers in the middle of a weekday with some brown is a fucking great way to ease the time. Taking meetings in my drawers. Not having to change out of my drawers. All things drawers related have upticked. Three. Ya boy DJ Nice been killing the gram with his sets. I can now say I’ve sweated my ass off in the club with Michele Obama! What a world! My only emergencies have been running out of liquor. But I’ve got a fresh set of masks that I ordered from this joint in Philly so I’m always prepared to make my next run cuz that home delivery situation is cool and all but sometimes you run out and what am I gonna do, wait til tomorrow, when I still got daylight? That’s a no. Four. I ain’t got no kids! Five. Well. Huh. I will say that I miss sex. I wasn’t dating anybody serious when the apocalypse landed so when they shut this shit down I was solo. But honestly it’s not just the sex. It’s the contact. Like, I haven’t hugged anyone in weeks. Y’all know how I do. I bring it in. That part is tough, I can’t lie. But this flattening the curve shit is real. It’s showing results. Dumbasses are still out here dumbassing but it feels like if we can keep our heads this will be over and we might get basketball back! I’m not gonna spend a lot of time talking about it here cuz I wanna keep this positive but if the Rona robs my boy Bron of a chip, YO! Salty doesn’t begin to cover it. Anyway. I’ll leave you with this, my beautiful kings and queens. The world has thrown our people every sort of raggedy hand it could despite our royal lineage, and at every turn we rise. If your not up on your Maya Angelou, shame on you. Do that shit. So if you are ever down or not feeling at your best, remember who you are and where you come from. Your parents are Empresses and Emperors, fuck how much money they make. And they love y’all. I’ve known them, and you, since before any of you were born, know that. Your Uncle Frank won’t never lie to you. The next time I see you it’ll be all Star Wars and Sesame Street, but I’ll know that one day you’ll read this, and it’ll be like our own inside joke. I’m a say drawers, just out the blue, and someday you’ll know, that in that moment, I was talking to you then and now, at the same time. Cuz that’s what love is. And best believe, I love you.

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